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thesaurus/cnp01343025 Howard, John

Howard, John

Record IDcnp01343025
Biographical Data1726 - 1790
Place of BirthHackney, GB
Place of DeathKherson (Ukraine)
Last Edit2024-02-08

General Note

Brit. Philanthrop, Reformer des Gefängnis- und Gesundheitswesens
No TA recordBorn 2 Sep. 1726. - Uses epithet F.R.S.
Philanthrope, théoricien pénitentiaire.
Cardington (Wirkungsort); Brit. Philanthrop, Reformer des Gefängnis- u. Gesundheitswesens

More Information

Further Biographical Data02.09.1726-20.01.1790
Intellectual ResponsibilityAuteur
Primary Language(s)English
ActivityPersonen zu Recht (7.14p) (sswd)
Personen zu Soziologie, Gesellschaft, Arbeit, Sozialgeschichte (9.5p) (sswd)
Sozialreformer (gnd)
Cardington (Wirkungsort)
Geographic NoteGB (iso3166)

Place of Activity

Place of BirthHackney, GB (1726)
Lieu de naissance
Place of ActivityCardington
Place of DeathKherson (Ukraine) (1790)
Lieu de mort


HeadingHoward, John
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Howard, John
used in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris; Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - AACR2 Heading, London (United Kingdom); Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands)
Howard, John
used in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Howard, John, Sozialreformer
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany)
Howard, John, the Philanthropist
used in: British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - GK Heading, London (United Kingdom)
Variant NameHoward, Iohn
Howard, Jean
Howard, Jean, Philanthrop
Howard, John, Philanthrop
Howard, William
Howard, William, Philanthrop
Howard, Jean


Found inLCAuth. — LCNA(AACR2)(1726?-1790). — GK55. — DNB. — NUC. — L.Baumgartner:John Howard, 1939, p.489, gives birthdate. — LoC-NA, Enc. Brit., BLC. — L'état des prisons, des hôpitaux et des maisons de force en Europe au XVIIIe siècle / John Howard ; trad. nouv. et éd. critique par Christian Carlier et Jacques-Guy Petit., 1994. — Encycl. Britannica, 1989. — GLU. — BN Cat. gén.
Imprint SourcesHoward, John: Ueber Gefängnisse und Zuchthäuser. - 1780
Howard, John: État des Prisons des Hôpitaux et des Maisons de Force. - 1788
Champion, Joseph: New and complete alphabets in all the various hands of Great Britain wi*. - s.a. [1774]
Howard, John: Histoire des principaux Lazarets de l'Europe. - 1801
Howard, John: Practic observations on the natural history and cure of the venereal disease. - 1788
Howard, John: The state of the prisons in England and Wales, with preliminary observati*. - 1777
Howard, John: The state of the prisons of England. - 1784
L'état des prisons, des hôpitaux et des maisons de force en Europe au XVIIIe siècle / John Howard, 1994
depiction of ...
John Howard (1726-1790)
[Contemporary portrait / http://100megsfree4.com/dictionary/theology/tdich.htm -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:JohnHowardPrisonReformer.jpg]

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