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thesaurus/cnp00557783 Gabriel al-Balūzānī, Maroniten, Patriarch

Gabriel al-Balūzānī, Maroniten, Patriarch

Record IDcnp00557783
Biographical Data1630 - 1705
Last Edit2019-09-25

More Information

Further Biographical Data1630-1705
ActivityPersonen zu Kirchengeschichte, Systematischer und Praktischer Theologie, Kirche und Konfession (3.6p) (sswd)
Geographic NoteLB (iso3166)


HeadingGabriel al-Balūzānī, Maroniten, Patriarch
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variant NameBalūzānī, Gabriel ¬al-¬
Balūzānī, Ǧubrāʾīl ¬al-¬
Gabriel, von Aleppo
Gabriel al-Balūzānī, Aleppo, Patriarch
Ǧubrāʾīl al-Balūzānī
Balūzānī, Ǧibrāʾīl Buṭrus ¬al-¬
Balūzāwi, Gabriel ¬al-¬
Gabriel Petrus, Patriarch von Balūza
Ǧibrāʾīl Buṭrus al-Balūzānī


Found inGeschichte d. christl. arab. Lit.

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