CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cnp02025241 Harlowe, Sarah

Harlowe, Sarah

Record IDcnp02025241
Dati biografici1765 - 1852
Ultima modifica2024-02-08

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Ulteriori dati biografici1765-1852
Nota geograficaGroßbritannien
GB (iso3166)


IntestazioneHarlowe, Sarah
Usata in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Nome SuccessivoWaldron, Sarah
Spaeterer Name
depiction of ...
This is a scan of the frontispiece of an 1823 printing of the work, showing Mrs Harlowe in the role of The Duenna in Sheridan's play of that name. According to a dramatis personae attached, Mrs Harlowe was appearing at Covent Garden in that role in c.1823.
[Scan 2008 by S J Plunkett, drawing by George Cruikshank, engr by Roberts 1823 / The Duenna, R.B. Sheridan, as published by T. Hughes London 1823 -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sarah Harlowe as The Duenna.jpg]

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