CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cnp02312990 Beaufort, Levinus Ferdinandus ¬de¬

Beaufort, Levinus Ferdinandus ¬de¬

Record IDcnp02312990
Dati biografici1675 - 1730
Ultima modifica2024-03-26

Nota generale

republikein (schreef tegen prins-stadhouders Willem II en Willem III)
Ornithologe und Ichthyologe

Maggiori informazioni

Ulteriori dati biografici1675-1730
date di attività1879-1968
Attivitàrechtsgeleerde, Middelburg
Geschichtsschreiber (gnd)
Jurist (gnd)
Naturwissenschaftler (gnd)
Ornithologe (gnd)

Luogo di attività

Luogo di attivitàMiddelburg


IntestazioneBeaufort, Levinus Ferdinandus ¬de¬
Usata in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands)
Beaufort, Lieven F. ¬de¬
Usata in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands)
Beaufort, Lieven F. ¬de¬
Usata in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands)
Beaufort, Lieven Ferdinand ¬de¬
Usata in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany)
Beaufort, Lieven F.
Usata in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
VarianteBeaufort, L.F. ¬de¬
Beaufort, Levinus Ferdinand ¬de¬
Beaufort, Lieven ¬de¬
Beaufort, Lieven F. ¬de¬
Beaufort, Lieven Ferdinand ¬de¬
Beaufort, L. F. ¬de¬
Beaufort, Levinus Ferdinandus ¬de¬
Beaufort, L. F.

Fonti esterne

Trovato inSTCN. — NUC pre 56. — LCAuth. — WBIS
Fonti a stampaDisputatio juridica inavgvralis, ad legem Juliam d... / By Petrus van Ceulen..., 1695
Disputatio juridica inavgvralis, ad L. advocati 14... / By Levinus Ferdinandus de Beaufort..., 1695
Verhandeling van de vryheit in den burgerstaet.... / [By Levinus Ferdinand de Beaufort]..., 1737
Het leven van Willem de I., Prins van Oranje, Graef van Nassau
Leven van Willem de I. Prins van Oranje, Graef van Nassau Stad*. - 1732
Verhandeling van de vryheit in den burgerstaet. - 1737
Science in the Netherlands East Indies. - 1928
Weber, Max W.: Anacanthini, Allstriognathi, Heterosomata, Berycomorphi, Percomorphi ... - 1929
Weber, Max W.: Heteroni, Solenichthyes, Synenthognathi, Percesoces, Labyrinthici, ... - 1922
Weber, Max W.: Index of the ichthyological papers P. Bleeker. - 1911
Weber, Max W.: Malacopterygii, Myctophoidea, Ostariophysi: 1. Siluroidea. - 1913
Weber, Max W.: Ostariophysi: 2. Cyprinoidea, Apodes, Synbranchi. - 1916
Weber, Max W.: Perciformes . - 1931
Contributions to the knowledge of Indo-Australian fishes

Registrazioni bibliografiche

Verbundkatalog Kalliope
Manuscript material

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Koninklijke Bibliotheek
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Koninklijke Bibliotheek
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