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thesaurus/cni00013646 Wijngaerden, Adriaen

Wijngaerden, Adriaen

Record IDcni00013646
Last Edit2021-04-09

General Note

in 1655 eenmaal het impressum: Leiden en Duisburg
Leiden 1643-1656, Nijmegen 1659, Duisburg 1655, Heidelberg 1657-1664. Var.: A. Vingart

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Activitybookseller (1647)
university bookseller (1647 - 1648)

Place of Activity

Place of ActivityLeiden; Rapenburgh, over de Academie (1647 - 1648)
Leiden (1644 - 1656)
Duisburg (1655)


HeadingWijngaerden, Adriaen
used in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands)
Variant NameVingart, Adriaen
Wyngaerden, Adriaen
Wyngarden, Adrianus
Wyngardus, Adrianus


Imprint SourcesOratio ad Belgas, Hispano adhuc parentes: Sassa Ga... / By Marcus Zuerius Boxhornius..., 1644
Animadversiones sacræ in quibus ea quæ ad sacram... / By Fredericus Scherertzius..., 1656

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